Dan the Ninja
Roy Patton went to San Antonio and interviewed Dan before he came to Dallas to see me and he always told Dan he got the job because of him and do not forget that fact . When Dan showed up for his first day of work in Dallas he walked in with a dress shirt and slacks and a pair of black shoes that had half inch rubber soles . Roy looks at Dan and says when you come in tomorrow wear shoes with leather soles you're not in accounting anymore and if your dress shirt has a pocket don’t put a pocket protector in it ,so much for introductions . As time went on Roy would tell Dan it would probably take him at least 5 years to become as skilled at the art of gas buying as he was but Dan learned quickly and after awhile did not have to ask Roy as many questions nor face Roys wise cracks . Do not get me wrong Dan learned to shoot back however Dan is a Nija he attacks silently and when you're not looking. Dan had observed that when Roy came into his office everyday he threw his keys on the credenza and left them . So Dan took the keys while Roy was busy and moved his car to another floor in the parking garage and returned the keys to Roys office . Dan told me of his scheme so that when we walked out he could crack on Roy as Roy wandered around the garage looking for his car . Dan would drive the garage till he found Roy and pull up and ask what he was doing and Roy replied I can’t find my car to which Dan would tell Roy he needed to stop drinking at lunch . Well Dan was the master he did not move the car again right away he waited a month and same results Roy wandering the parking garage . So about another month later one day Dan sticks his head in my office and gives me the nod meaning Roys car was missing . Well what we did not know Roy had become so concerned about his lost car he started parking on the upper floors by the elevators where there are not many cars and he was assured of finding his car. Well Dan discovered this when he went to move Roys car so he simply moved it the parking place right behind it facing the other way . A short time later Roy comes flying in the office and starts yelling they towed my car Dan and I walked out of our offices and I asked what are you talking about they towed my car to the spot behind me I don’t know why but they did I of course asked if he had been drinking but Roy was not laughing however Linda and I could not contain ourselves and burst out laughing to which Roy stopped talking and said you moved my car I was laughing so hard I was choking but he knew when he saw Dan standing there with a sly grin not laughing it was Dan who had moved it. Now Roy was mad I was thinking he may pop Dan but Roy settles down and says oh thank god I thought I was losing my mind so I am so relived .
Dan is not with us but the memories I have with him will never die !